Monday, September 25, 2023
60th Annual-versity Trailer
Monday, September 4, 2023
Sick of Multiverses.
Friday, February 10, 2023
The Dead Yet Live(?)
I hereby offer the sacrilegious proposition that it's time to let Doctor Who die.
Fictional characters, just like living people, have a lifespan. They live, and they die. We have reached a time in the death cycle of Popular Culture when people like Batman, Spider-Man, Doctor Who and Superman have long outlived their natural lifespan.
Perhaps their ethics and character become incompatible with a new generation; perhaps they exhaust the potential of their notions. The time comes for them to pass on, and join the Immortals in another realm. Those of us who love them can still hold them in our memories, and continue to enjoy their adventures in the same way that we watch old serials and read old comic books, but the window for new adventures has long been closed, though we hate to admit it.
The world of the present seems inhospitable for my dusty old heroes. Time for new adventures from a new generation of heroes — if a new generation of creators can step up to the plate and deliver heroes worthy of our support. The failing here is that nothing worthy has come down the pike. The huge corporations that control the destiny of these characters have no interest in creating anything new.
And so rather than give the heroes of a more civilized world a decent burial, we are forced forever to watch their crumbling, reanimated corpses lumber across our screens in an ever more tragic state of decomposition and decay. I for one am tired of it. Let our heroes rest in peace. They have earned it.
-- Thorn.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Thoughts on The Interim, Post-Apocalypse
Appropriately, Mr. Davies posing with a broken Dalek. |
We wonder, in the aftermath of Chris Chibnall’s disastrous tenure on the show, if DOCTOR WHO can be saved; we wonder even if it SHOULD be saved.
Chibnall was by far the worst thing ever to happen to the show, worse even than cancellation of the original series. Russell Davies is a talented writer after all, but he’s not a superhero. His first accomplishment for WHO was to raise and reconstitute it after a prolonged time away, but he was dealing with a show that was not Fundamentally Broken as it is now.
Much as fans may want to see the show reconstituted, there is wisdom in letting it lie for a while, and allowing the dust to settle. The risk lies in trying to bring it back too soon when the wounds are still fresh. The corporate powers that be will always push for a hasty return, because it’s their Cash Cow after all (although it stopped giving milk several years ago), but pushing something like this never helped anyone. I see Davies as very much trying to walk a fine line here . . . And perhaps trying to walk several very fine lines at the same time. He’s faced by opposing forces who each have wildly varying hopes and expectations, and in order to find success he essentially has to build something new.
As yet, I don’t know how I feel about the return of David Tennant to the role, however brief it is. It’s fine, really, because Davies had already established that this can happen, and it makes a certain amount of sense. It also seems to me very much a “stunt,” and a bit of an act of desperation. However. If Davies can use this stunt as a means of buying story time with which he can repair the damage to the show before Forging Boldly Ahead, it will be worthwhile in the long run.
For my part, I have only one Non-Negotiable Demand. The Timeless Children must go. If it cannot be retconned out of existence, it must at least be neutralized, and rendered harmless. It’s true that there have been other Stupid Doctor Tricks in the past (“half-human,” anyone?), and that newly arriving showrunners have been able to get away with Simply Ignoring them.
That will not be good enough this time. The whole life of the show hangs on this one unimaginably stupid continuity revision. The show is Broken in its current state: so it’s not a question of simply Bringing Back to Life a show that was Merely Resting. It’s not “resting” now. It’s on Life Support.
For my part, Mr. Davies, please take all the time you need. We are open to your solutions. But will will not be Fucked With any longer.
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
New post on the main page and updated page "The Doctors Ranked."
Finished comments for all 8 discs in the Tom Baker / Season Seven Blu-Ray set.
UPDATE 12/2919
First thoughts on JON PERTWEE: THE COMPLETE SEASON FOUR and two other Blu-Ray releases are now up. Also updated news items.
UPDATE 12/2219
Added "new season" editorial on the front page. Also removed one post from the front page (it dealt with rumors now disproved).
UPDATE 12/1/19
Added specific remarks for Disk 5 of TOM BAKER: COMPLETE SEASON SEVEN, plus some hasty notes on other series' Blu-Ray releases in the News section.
UPDATE 11/9/19
Added specific remarks for Disk 4 of TOM BAKER: COMPLETE SEASON SEVEN, plus random notes for other releases.
UPDATE 10/13/19
Added specific remarks for Disk Three of TOM BAKER: COMPLETE SEASON SEVEN.
UPDATE 9/29/19
Added the "Odd Observations" page (see the sidebar), which seeks to recycle a number of pieces from the old site that probably ought not be recycled.
UPDATE 9/--/19
Added one mini-review to the Audio Adventures page, and added comments for Disk 2 ("Meglos") for the "Tom Baker Complete Season Seven" Blu-Ray.
UPDATE 8/22/19
Changed the color scheme for posts to plain ol' black and white, because I was tired of trying to make the colors turn out the way they were supposed to, and even more tired of the eyestrain. I may have to tweak the look of the whole site. Well, we'll see.
UPDATE 8/17/19
Added mini reviews for THE MUTANT PHASE (Davison) and THE EVIL ONE (Tom Baker) to "The Audio Adventures" page.
UPDATE 8/11/19
Added specific remarks for Disk One of TOM BAKER" COMPETE SEASON SEVEN.
UPDATE 7/24/19
Added a short and very basic review of the new Blu-Ray releases. I put this on its own page, accessible from the sidebar over there --> ...
... because it's my intention to add on and embroider this piece as I actually work my way through the disks and the sets. Yeah, wish me luck with that!
More to come... while months may go by between updates, rest assured this site is not dead! Perhaps a little green around the gills, but not dead yet!
UPDATE: 3/28/19
This week I added a new post here on the main page (just scroll down!) concerning series 11, and today I added a longish article, updated from a much shorter piece on the old site, ranking all of my favorite Doctors. It's been given a page of its own; you can access it from the PAGES menu in the sidebar!
It needs graphics. We'll see about that. Right now it's more important to write real content and just get that content online the fastest way possible.
Further updates... as they occur! Thanks for visiting!
Friday, March 27, 2020
It Got Worse
UPDATED JULY 1, 2023 . . . to correct an error in the text that has been hanging here for far too long.
Previously. . .
In a nutshell, DOCTOR WHO is dead. Burn the sets, sell the costumes, line up the coffins and prepare the eulogy. Throw the TARDIS into the Pacific. It's over.
Chris Chibnall has not just killed DOCTOR WHO. He's raped it, fucked up the ass, disemboweled it, poured acid all over the corpse and dumped the whole mess onto a rubbish tip for the crows to pick at.
So thoroughly and completely has Chibnall killed the show, that I honestly believe Nothing Can Save it Now. The only way to save it now is for the BBC to re-hire Peter Capaldi and give us an episode in which his Doctor is shown waking up from a Horrible Nightmare. And carry on from there with a completely new timeline.
Because a Horrible Nightmare is exactly what it has been. Series 12 makes the unmitigated disaster that was series 11 look like a playful romp.
Dear Chris Chibnall: If you hated the show this much, why in Omega's name did you accept the job as showrunner? WHY? Why have you done this awful, horrible, EVIL thing to a show and a fan base that never did you any harm whatsoever?
I trust you'll be keeping a wide berth around the convention circuit, because you must know that there are fans out there who would be glad to do you up for killing one of the few Good Things in their lives.
Whatever possessed you? What made you think that killing DOCTOR WHO was a Good Idea?
What made you think you had the right to shit all over the work your betters, something that used to make Millions of People happy? Life is hard and we rely on certain things, things that we love, to get us through. And what did you do? You put a gun to The Doctor's head and pulled the trigger.
You were appointed to be a CARETAKER of the show -- and instead you did an Ed Gein on it.
Dear Chris Chibnall, there is a special place in hell reserved for you, asshole.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Who Knew? BOO "WHO."
This is the first time in the past six or seven years that I have not pre-ordered the new series of WHO from iTunes; and I have no expectation of ever ordering it in the future. I'll be following the reviews and I honestly hope that I'll see something there that will make me change my mind. But for now -- I'm sticking to my vow that the BBC will never get one more dime out of me for New DOCTOR WHO so long as that self-important prat and Moron of the Year Chris Chibnall continues as show runner.
Unfortunately, everything that I've seen in terms of news and previews has convinced me not only that Chibnall has failed to see the error of his ways, but that he's doubled-down and is determined to force-feed us his vision of the show whether the fans want it or not. If there was any doubt in my mind, the slogan that's been adopted for the new series is all that I need: "Space. For All."
The nauseating and heavy-handed "message" put forward by that slogan tells me that Chibnall is still more interested in promoting an agenda of inclusiveness than he is in telling great stories about interesting characters. He touted his first series on the show as "a great jumping-on point," but fails to understand that "a great 'jumping-on" point" is also a great jumping-off point.
Not that there's anything wrong with inclusiveness. But that's not why we watch television and that's not why we watch DOCTOR WHO. We watch WHO because we love the character, and because we love the weekly straight-shot of imagination that the show always provided until the egregious Mr. Chibnall took over.
Again I feel compelled to explain that I am not a hater nor even a nay-sayer on the issue of The Doctor's sex. Nor am I even against "message stories" per se, so long as that message comes out through a well-developed plot and interesting characters. As long as it's good DOCTOR WHO, I would be on board for it. And I even believe that, GIVEN BETTER WRITING, Jodie Whittaker could be good in the part.
But Chibnall has shown himself to be incapable of writing good DOCTOR WHO. He has shown himself to be incapable of creating characters that people can care about. In his one season on the show, the only positive I have derived from his work is that he's managed to make even the worst of past DOCTOR WHO look extremely good by comparison with the fake, heavy-handed, preachy garbage that he's served up so far. Yes, I can now look at the John Nathan-Turner era with new appreciation (and in the blu-ray reviews section you will see that I am doing just that).
I'm very grateful that DOCTOR WHO is a show that's been on the air for so long now that there's more than enough already produced that I can re-watch and enjoy for years to come. And this helps me be a little bit philosophical about it all: provided that he doesn't actually kill off the show (which could happen) WHO has been around long enough to prove that it can survive almost everything: including the braindead writing of Mr. Chibnall. The guy can't live forever, after all. Sooner or later, he has to fall off the damn planet.
Maybe then, just maybe, we'll get back the show that we still love, and that we wish was better-served than Mr. Chibnall is capable of doing.